music begins from the soul. cultivating your child's love for music. they're rarely too young and never too old to "twinkle".

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Relocating to India

Dear Piano Students,

I will be relocating to India from June 2012. Do let me know if you are keen to have 'intensive' piano lessons before I leave Singapore. Intensive lessons offered are for the ABRSM piano examination preparations for June 2012 exam dates or 2013 exam dates. Besides the ABRSM examinations, I am also offering to teach you how to play by heart some classical pieces within 5 months. Here are the pieces that I can think of which are achievable for a late beginner or intermediate level:

Beethoven's Fur Elise, Clementi Sonatinas, some of Mozart's Sonatas (Exposition of the 1st movement), Debussy's Reverie, some of the ABRSM Piano Grades 1-4 pieces, popular pieces such as Clayderman' s Ballade pour Adeline and his other songs. Do let me know!

I encourage you all to enroll for music lessons (piano, violin, flute, drums and voice) at a music school. I do recommend Klassique Musik.

Klassique Musik
271 Bulit Timah Road, #02-19 Balmoral Plaza, Singapore 259708
T 065.63336486
Corinna Chang, Director



Anonymous said...


Would you be relocating to Bangalore, India ? If "yes", will you be offering classes leading to music exams here as well.


Alexandra Minoza said...

Hi Venkat, I will be first based in Chennai. There are a number of ABRSM and Trinity examinations centers in India. Yes, I will be offering ABRSM and Trinity exam preparations. I usually register most of my students go through examination as a goal. It really depends on what the student wants to achieve from learning piano. Some of them wants to train intensively and explore music/sound without attending the examinations as a personal goal.